Study Tips to Ace Your Science 10 Test

Study Tips to Ace Your Science 10 Test

Studying for Science 10 can be challenging, as it combines theory and memorization of terms with the ability to solve more quantitative questions and problems. Science 10 is broken up into 4 distinct sections: chemistry, physics, ecology and earth science. Each of these requires different types of skills, so you want to make sure you are focusing on the right skills depending on what portion of the course you are studying. Using some good strategies can help to ensure that you are using your Science 10 study time as best as possible, so here are a few tips for studying the different sections of Science 10.

Physics: Practice Using the Equations

The physics portion of the course is 80% to 90% focused on using equations to solve questions. To study this section effectively, you will want to work on lots and lots of example problems, in order to get comfortable with how to use the equations effectively. Make sure you have a good textbook or workbook that provides lots of example questions for you to practice with. Practicing how to use the equations effectively will ensure that you are well prepared for the physics questions on any quizzes or tests.

Ecology and Earth Science: Memorization is Key

These two sections focus on terms and concepts, and less on formulas and problem solving. With this in mind, understanding and applying key terms and concepts effectively is key. The first step is to simply remember the terms and concepts that will be tested. Try using cue cards as a tool to help with memorizing these terms. The second step is being able to apply the terms and concepts to different question types. Make sure you have access to lots of practice questions, and in particular, using old provincial exam questions can be very helpful to get comfortable with the types of questions that will be asked.

Chemistry: A Mix of Problem Solving and Memorization

The chemistry portion of the course is a combination of more quantitative / problem solving type questions, and memorization / understanding of concept type questions. Things like reaction types and balancing equations are more problem solving type questions, so you will want to work through lots of examples in order to get comfortable with the techniques. Things like naming rules (for regular compounds, as well as acids / bases) require the memorization and application of different rules. Memorizing those rules is key, but you will also want to take time to work through lots of example questions in order to ensure that you are able to apply the rules effectively.


Science 10 combines the basic fundamentals of physics, chemistry, and biology into a single course. As a result, different skill sets are required in order to effectively answer questions, depending on what portion of the course is being studied. If you use the right strategies for the right sections of the course, you will set yourself up well for success in this course, as well as for any future science courses that you choose to take.
